Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Age & hypocrisy , personal ad form and it's finally over

Read 2 friends' blogs and was inspired to write this post ;

What's the link between age and hypocrisy? As we age , we tend to be less likely to speak upfront (journalists nothwithstanding) and tend to be tactful . As there's tacit recognition that most people follow the pattern, so we are less likely to speak frankly . Tact may just be the polished facade of that which is called hypocrisy

Saw Jeanie's personal ad form , let's "princetonize" that form :

Q: Who would you like Dick Cheney to shoot ?

A: rugby playing, ocd inducing female lawyers, landlords , hackers

Q: Latest quirky thought?

A: which one? the least scary and most socially acceptable? hey those men wearing what's best termed winter pjs are rather cute (see the winter olympics

Q: Fantasy break up line ?

A: YES, IT'S YOU, don't look for any other reason for this breakup (and walking out of that alive)

Finally passed - after all the years of procrastination


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