Monday, April 10, 2006

Fussy rentals and Poor Little Rich People

Fussy about rentals

The tendency to be fussy about property rentals and agreements comes from the spectacularly bad experience at university with a *#* landlord - whose former tenant (who was his daughter) didn't inform him about the defunct bathtub until the last month of summer hols and whose very incompetent contractors couldn't replace the bathtub during that month. Instead , 3 weeks of Michaelmas were spent living in a nearby hotel and waiting around for contractors (who spent time calling me a bitch and blaring my cds when they thought I was out of earshot) who eventually completed the 3 day job and left the bathroom smelling of fish and chips vinegar! (the aversion to vinegar began from that time) Not to mention the dirty fingerprints over the cd collection. The landlord himself was rude to my parents and called me a "spoilt brat"; shocking when you consider the reputation of his family in the asian region. ( hmm, rows with parents started from that time - what a coincidence!) Kinda confirms the prejudice that rich people have attitude problems!
These days, questions about electric fuses and bathrooms are top of any list and they have no fetish links ! Just a refusal to pay and suffer!

Poor Little rich people

Rich people tend to have attitude problems and guess that a large part of that stems from the fact that people who've never really had to struggle don't have any idea what despair and struggle are

That probably offended a lot of people and the following list will offend even more

People to avoid at all costs :
1 Rugby playing female lawyers
2 Sh*tty contractors
3 *** landlords

4 rich people with attitude problems

If you encounter any individually ; it's a bad day . Encounter 1-3 and it's induced OCD and depression (and the niggling suspicion that God hates you)


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