Friday, August 04, 2006

What comes first, the headache or the thoughts?

Viciousness of every shade

The Middle East conflict

Dilemmas galore. If the terrorists aren't brought to justice, they might inspire other freedom fighters to join the extremists, as such, every attack on the civilian populace and terrorist camps already builds the feel of victimisation and lends credence to the extremists' propaganda. Freedom fighter or terrorist - all depends on which side of the divide you're on. What's worrying is , if terrorists are allowed to get away scotfree, those who are against their cause may not join the regular national forces but form guerrilla groups of their own, and that's apart from black ops and mercenaries, that's when war never ends.

The Islamic nations aren't exactly in an easy position , not supporting Hizbollah will reduce their credibility with the sympathetic populace , supporting Hizbollah will tar them with the terrorist label. Ironically, 20 years ago, the headlines screamed Middle East crisis, 10 years ago, the headlines screamed Middle East crisis , today, the headlines scream Middle East Crisis , the day anyone would be surprised is when the headlines no longer feature the Middle East.

Men vs women

Kinda agree with Ang about the differences between men and women in terms of violence but frankly, having been slapped, punched, kicked etc by people of both genders, violence has no gender. Though I've rarely retaliated (4 times over all the years), the next person who confronts me with violence is gonna be nastily surprised. But Ang is right about women targetting the emotional and psychological aspects. My nemesis is a prime example.

That nemesis , ironically, according to information sources, is a barrister one of whose specialities is personal injury including stress at work, Wonder if she gleaned that from torturing me at university?


Blogger Jean.Chua said...

Sounds a bit scary, the torturing bit. The closest I have come to personal violence is being shoved during a fight. That was the last time the person saw me.

12:53 AM  

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