As I say goodbye to my 20s, so it's time to quit this blog, thanks to all who dropped by. See some of you real soon, others, well, there's always email?!Watch for the invite to a new blog
where random thoughts reign and humour is an acquired taste ; the madwoman has left the attic, mistah eliot he dead; where cynicism, scepticism, materialism, idealism and optimism are friends
I was wondering where you've been! I'd love to get an invite to your new blog. I always enjoyed what you had to say. Hope to hear from you soon about it!
As someone who had to bid farewell to his 20s too long ago, you have my sympathies and my best wishes. Also, my thanks for your interest in and comments on my excuse for a blog. :-)
If/when you set up a new blog, I hope you'll let me know how to find it.
Cheers and all the best, and my apologies for not noticing this sooner.
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