Friday, September 29, 2006


By communist, I don't mean the bad old style of communism as seen in eastern europe , but rather a form that's more akin to socialism in extremis. Isn't it ironic that we celebrated the end of communism barely a decade ago, yet the
very conditions for the flourishing of communism is more prevalent than ever: poverty trap, the "disappearance" of the middle class, disaffected youth, wealth gap etc

The shift to the right has been seen right across europe and right wing politics has gained popularity on the American continent ; we're not talking just red necks, but ordinary people who think that others are really "scary". Unless you've always lived in very homogeneous societies or never been a minority; bigotry, racism and xenophobia aren't foreign entities. Whether it's immigrant issues or asylum referendums, what's unspoken is most disturbing.

And not a supporter of chimeras -if you even wondered , we're obviously strangers

Monday, September 25, 2006


Chimera, what launch played and convent stereotypes

If the wealth gap worsens and the climate of terror continues, we might well see governments who are xenophobic and right wing politically and communist economically - a chimera no one remotely sane wants to see

Launch played some pretty decent fare - Joey Scarbury (theme from GAH ), Johnny hates jazz (turn back the clock ) and Alanis Morisette (Ironic) vs Paris Hilton the other day.

Heard about the convent girl stereotype ruckus - old prejudices die hard ; if it's so funny, let's hear some about the RI, RGS , SCGS people.

Friday, September 15, 2006


Civil Liberty, Trajectory and 3 things I've always wanted to say

Being the last person you'd expect to defend S'pore's anal retentive policies, this blogger is surprised to say that the security measures surrounding the IMF / World Bank meeting is sensible if unpopular. Every peaceful demonstration has all the ingredients of a potential riot and do civilised execs really want a replay of taiwanese style political gatherings? Then again they don't want the bad pr of "excluding" civil liberty groups . So here's a suggestion : at the next meeting, plonk these execs with demonstrators , no barricades, no bodyguards, betcha there'll be bets galore regarding the survival rates - after all if the small bizs and common folk survived previous encounters , these powerful smart people should have no problem, right?


If a guy's a ball (no pun) and he's on the rebound, how's he ever gonna know he's on the right trajectory and not endlessly rebounding? Does this exclude free will or is god fond of squash ?

3 things I've always wanted to say

- Don't undress me with your eyes , don't want you puking

- Honey, it's not amnesia, it's beingmale syndrome

- Only women think love can survive without sex men spell love as "lovesex"

Friday, September 08, 2006


Ideology, Raven , Aubrey's Russian spy adventure and Univ trek

Bush has called the war against terrorism an ideological war which is partly true ; but the pre-emptive strike option is a stumbling block . Ideology has always been associated with some notion of moral right. Attacking or waging war on basis of suspicion of another's intentions causes a big loss of that moral ground; the emotive consequence is to increase empathy for the enemy, let's not aid the enemy!


Was informed recently that yours truly has become an aunt- arrived at univ without siblings and left with a gramps and 2 siblings- not counting the fraternity relations ! Bro has a little girl who goes by the cool name Raven- hope it's nordic or native american- even Just isn't morbid enough to cite Poe, hopefully. Be warned, anyone calling yours truly "auntie" will be decked, yours truly ain't kidding!

Aubrey's Russian spy adventure

Aubrey, you really have to stop climbing strange mountains and have an american flag on you at all times- probably save you lotsa grief. The Russian women "concept" is unfortunately prevalent throughout Asia . Sounds like postponing the Korean trip until there's some basic korean proficiency is a good idea!

Univ trek

Ok, going to visit univ, but won't be alone ; dragging hapless friend along ;p