Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Reflection etc

QUICK greetings
For those whose birthdays are in March, happy birthday
For Karen - hi! or namaste (about all the hindi I can remember from all those bollywood movies )
For Rita - congratulations, hope the wedding will be great

Disconcerting thoughts
Ever have the feeling that some people in the music industry must be of your age and have the same memories music wise as you? That probably explains the numerous compilation albums with the cheesiest music you thought you'll never hear again , not least till you're 50 and severely nostalgic . At this rate, we might hear a nostalgic album with britney spears in a couple of years shudder

People are people
Saw the latest instalment of the 7 up series and the following words just came to mind :

The winds of youth have passed
Sad shadows of the fading flame
Life laughs
Grinning grotesque Yorrick
and no, that's not gonna be a poem, way too depressing
Speaking of people, ever know someone who's nice to everyone but nasty to you and you're thinking no one's gonna believe that they're so nasty. Not to be mean but it's like facing someone with the never ending menopause

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Age & hypocrisy , personal ad form and it's finally over

Read 2 friends' blogs and was inspired to write this post ;

What's the link between age and hypocrisy? As we age , we tend to be less likely to speak upfront (journalists nothwithstanding) and tend to be tactful . As there's tacit recognition that most people follow the pattern, so we are less likely to speak frankly . Tact may just be the polished facade of that which is called hypocrisy

Saw Jeanie's personal ad form , let's "princetonize" that form :

Q: Who would you like Dick Cheney to shoot ?

A: rugby playing, ocd inducing female lawyers, landlords , hackers

Q: Latest quirky thought?

A: which one? the least scary and most socially acceptable? hey those men wearing what's best termed winter pjs are rather cute (see the winter olympics

Q: Fantasy break up line ?

A: YES, IT'S YOU, don't look for any other reason for this breakup (and walking out of that alive)

Finally passed - after all the years of procrastination

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Votearama , literary speedating, Korean Drama

Way too many talent-vote shows these days ; but guess it's better (at least for politicians ) that the people vent their popularity vote tendencies prior to any political elections? Sarcasm galore

I saw a funny post on Dr J's site on literary speedating; I hate the Romantics (Ok, ok, I'm a philistine but who wants to listen to a bunch of guys (mostly) high on opiates, alcohol and naturalism yap (those thuds are English professors collapsing from the shock at this heresy!)

Why are Korean dramas so popular? Guess it's a combination of foreign culture, bitter-sweet lovestories, poptunes that sound so much better 'cos they're in a language you don't comprehend hence less gag, good looking actors and great humour - all of which are present in the current Lovers in Paris , mindless entertainment but good fun

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Random Distractions

Winter Olympics, Politics of Offence and Cheney's anti-gun contribution?

The winter olympics are back and it's unexpected entertainment - when and where else would you find grown men (and women) careening down icy lanes at speeds most cars won't attain on what's essentially a sledge (think luge) or propel themselves into the air in the "cooler" version of long jump (ski jump) and they're not even drunk! 8 years ago when they first telecast curling, the commentator on BBC said that it was a sport watched by those with severe insomnia, which would have been funny if I wasn't suffering from insomnia , 8 years later, it's hilarious.

The cartoon incident highlights the conflict between protection of free speech and what is blatant provocation - knowing where to draw the line is what seperates the adults from the schoolyard bullies and the diplomatic reaction has been disappointing. C'mon Bushites, we're not looking for a SNAG reaction, just not the sensitivity of an armoured vehicle . It's amazing what people think is humourous ; saw a just for laughs gag that involved a cabdriver being flabbergasted by the many asians who exited a steel container labelled "China Express" to pile into his cab - that's funny?!

Cheney probably became part of the anti-gun and anti-hunting campaign quite unwillingly over the weekend; hmm, how would the NRA deflect this one?

For those who were "grossed out " by the last post, aren't you glad Valentine's only comes round once a year , anyway, it was a joke

Thoughts on Love

by a dino girl

1 What Valentine's Day is for
-sacchrine overload ; eye candy, ear candy and digestible candy
-industry profit ; restaurants, hotels, record companies (think schmaltzy cds)
- bullying your boyfriend with impunity

2 A Valentine via songs

My Funny Valentine

Meeting you was like Waiting for a star to fall , our love is like an Eternal Flame to be Cherished . Every meeting means falling in love Again . Though Sometimes Love just ain't enough , Against all odds we have prevailed. This Valentine is Especially for you from the one who's Stuck in the middle with you

Kiss Me

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Some reads

A friend asked about recent reads -none, but sure would like to read Jeffrey Archer's most recent pulp fiction work

Some fun blog reads :

for NY fans -bcroyer

for some humour -jokesandfunnystoriessite

beware; don't read the earlier posts on the 2nd blog unless your sense of humour is stronger than your sense of what is politically correct i.e. justinesque or stefanesque humour

Of hackers and irritants

There have been at least 2 hackers who have been persistent in their attempts , one tried the netbus trojan horse trick (IP : and another attacked from a bogus IP ( , so watch it guys!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Random distracting thoughts

Sword vs sabre

Chinese sword strokes (slash, glide, pierce etc) tend to differ from sabre strokes (slash, cut etc) whilst many western and even japanese sword/fencing techniques tend to combine both. The closest example to any differentiation is the distinction between epee and cutlass styles. Is it a matter of matter of convenience or flexibility

Aliens vs humans

Ever thought about why humans seem so obsessed about the question of whether there are aliens? Could it be that we are so afraid of loneliness that we prefer to have galactical or intergalactical "acquaintances" than to contemplate the fact that we may be alone

Innovation vs consistency

2 Chinese artistes/producers exemplify the conflict between creativity and consistency; whilst both attempt a fusion of east west styles of music, David Tao's music has a much smoother sound and Wang Lee Hom has a more varied range and seems more like potluck and a best of album; taste is subjective?!

Random thoughts

aka thoughts that make people think "what were you thinking?"

Men, memory and mammaries

Question: why are there instant replays?

this is an old chestnut; whilst women remember everything, men forget everything - there is a reason why some men tend to refer to all the women in their lives as "honey" !

Question: how do you measure torque?

by noting how fast the man spins and speeds away when a woman says she loves him, wants to marry him and wants his kids

Question: when do men forget the laws of physics?

when it comes to female mammaries ; they like them perky, pert and large yet they don't like those from mammaries r'us

Medical dramas

Grey's anatomy is rather reminiscent of various medical dramas of the last decade; the private lives, medical ethics focus of chicago hope and the racier pace of er but the bp (beautiful people factor) marks this as a "new age" drama. Btw, why is patrick dempsey still so good-looking?!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Doggone New Year

If the last couple of days are anything to go by, this will prove a successful year in the bid to lose weight, at least for me. Spent much of the last few days suffering from "stomach flu" , will spare you guys the barfy details (aren't you glad?!), suffice to say that apart from the birthday when a 40 degree fever caused even more raucous behaviour than usual, this ranks as a close second in the list of weird festive occasions

Imagine the urge to cry when there was a special feature on tv regarding gelato; the friend most to blame for my obsession with ice-cream is Jo (the hours spent at haagen daz explains Tik's joke) and since discovering gelato, no other can compare