Scat tered Thou ghts
Level playing field
Wouldn't we all love that, unfortunately, life isn't very fair (just look at those hollywood types gripe about money lost to piracy whilst flashing bling ) As an American once put it : too bad/ suck it up - and we were talking about the salvation of souls -to him only those born christian would be saved, those who weren't ...
Not to sound masochistic, but isn't success all the ------- when you've defied the odds ?!
Trevor's post
The KFC cm would have been funnier if the parents were replaced by a girlfriend don't you think?
Wouldn't we all love that, unfortunately, life isn't very fair (just look at those hollywood types gripe about money lost to piracy whilst flashing bling ) As an American once put it : too bad/ suck it up - and we were talking about the salvation of souls -to him only those born christian would be saved, those who weren't ...
Not to sound masochistic, but isn't success all the ------- when you've defied the odds ?!
Trevor's post
The KFC cm would have been funnier if the parents were replaced by a girlfriend don't you think?