Associative Thoughts
Saw the tv listings and spotted "One night at McCool's" ; apart from the cast (who's who in tv and movies 80s and 90s) and humourous plot, you'll never hear YMCA without cracking up . You'll never need confirmation that men think with lower appendages.
Famous actors tend to remind people of friends who claim to resemble them; for the one who "resembles" Bruce Willis ; it's the hairline
For those male ex-classmates who lamented the lack of attractive lit researchers/tutors ; check out the "cool" blogger at Ancrene Wiseass (blogspot)
Famous actors tend to remind people of friends who claim to resemble them; for the one who "resembles" Bruce Willis ; it's the hairline
For those male ex-classmates who lamented the lack of attractive lit researchers/tutors ; check out the "cool" blogger at Ancrene Wiseass (blogspot)