Monday, April 24, 2006

Looney Reads

After some requests, here's the list of the less "huh evoking" posts from an old blog

Politics of every shade :
Lessons of History 27/4/2005
Bones of Contention 28/4/2005
Society Through The Movies 11/5/2005
Rebutting the critics 1-3 6/2005
Society through the movies 2 1/7/2005
Modern conservatives, modern Shylock 28/9/2005
Personal Ads 7/11/2005

$ Issues:
Consumption 29/8/2005

Cos there were some giggles about others' poetic efforts ; fairplay's here
Discontinuous Past 3 22/6/2005

Music : see

Dec posts just see the ascendingvoice site (blogspot) - have fun!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Time Changes Everything

Heard an old song on my yahoo station , would have been teary but for the fact that there wasn't that feeling -time changes everything - time to lose weight

Saw news reports on the release of special stamps for the Queen's birthday and remembered Ed and his craze for such collectibles . Has been years since we spoke and can't remember much about this senior apart from the rant over the finals Kant quote , he being a Madonna fan and hating to be called Ed (heheheh) - just a joke!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Watched recently

Son of the bride (the spanish title eludes me ) - hilarious, the religious references were pretty funny too

Babette's Feast - great for foodies but despite this being the 2nd time missed the end again and for the same reason/movie (see next) freaky coincidence?!

Anna Magdalena (Chinese movie) - art house wanna be , far cry from the enthusiastic review at dragonsdenuk , even Takeshi Kaneshiro can't save the movie

American Idol - Queen Night- Massacre!
- Standards - Pale imitation

Masti and Biwi No 1 - men! (pejorative)

The Mummy - 3rd time and it's cornier every time

Monday, April 10, 2006

Fussy rentals and Poor Little Rich People

Fussy about rentals

The tendency to be fussy about property rentals and agreements comes from the spectacularly bad experience at university with a *#* landlord - whose former tenant (who was his daughter) didn't inform him about the defunct bathtub until the last month of summer hols and whose very incompetent contractors couldn't replace the bathtub during that month. Instead , 3 weeks of Michaelmas were spent living in a nearby hotel and waiting around for contractors (who spent time calling me a bitch and blaring my cds when they thought I was out of earshot) who eventually completed the 3 day job and left the bathroom smelling of fish and chips vinegar! (the aversion to vinegar began from that time) Not to mention the dirty fingerprints over the cd collection. The landlord himself was rude to my parents and called me a "spoilt brat"; shocking when you consider the reputation of his family in the asian region. ( hmm, rows with parents started from that time - what a coincidence!) Kinda confirms the prejudice that rich people have attitude problems!
These days, questions about electric fuses and bathrooms are top of any list and they have no fetish links ! Just a refusal to pay and suffer!

Poor Little rich people

Rich people tend to have attitude problems and guess that a large part of that stems from the fact that people who've never really had to struggle don't have any idea what despair and struggle are

That probably offended a lot of people and the following list will offend even more

People to avoid at all costs :
1 Rugby playing female lawyers
2 Sh*tty contractors
3 *** landlords

4 rich people with attitude problems

If you encounter any individually ; it's a bad day . Encounter 1-3 and it's induced OCD and depression (and the niggling suspicion that God hates you)

Campus security

Watched the 20/20 report on campus security -as far as universities go, most are sorely lacking. But guess that's 'cos most people assume only petty crimes like joyrides or theft are ever common in university towns and as for the drug problem - it was almost a non-issue. Eyebrows were scarcely raised when that LMH flasher moved from the streets to streaking through the college! And he was never caught!

Worse, the university's fear of fire seems to have outweighed considerations of student privacy and security - why did the college authorities rule that students couldn't be present when their electrical appliances were inspected by the electricians? Searching the students' belongings for extra appliances is bad enough but when your lingerie's searched - it's absurd!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Humourous Asides

A very Japanese failure of diplomacy

For a culture obsessed with politeness and a country that wants to raise its diplomatic clout, it's amazing how Japanese politicians offend everytime they speak about their neighbours .

It's great to know that the country has sharpened regard for human rights after perpetrating some of the worst crimes against humanity (WW2) and spending 60years in denial .

As for military expenditure ; it's like a criminal with a record of assault with a deadly weapon questioning an ex-victim's application for a gun licence.

As for the Japanese citation of the USA as the model of ideals like freedom and human rights ; learning from a country whose political leaders re-defined disregard for human rights and wants to spy on its citizens ; who else better?

As long as the Japanese diplomats conduct Janus style diplomacy , no one's gonna respect them .

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Little Ironies

For the longest time , a newschannel purporting to give an asian perspective of news events had the ad for their hotline with a blue iris - not to be uptight but how many asians with blue eyes do you know ?!

When ads clash - the ad about the dancer who breaks wind (so you think you can dance) was followed by an ad for an airconditioner that started with the line "how pleasant is your wind" -gassy humour anyone?

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A Letter On 28th March 2006

The time to graduate has come round again and it's with some trepidation that I face this graduation. Why trepidation? Well, I guess that's 'cos life has taught that if nothing else, irony has a way of "screwing up" expectations and plans.

There's a curious symmetry to life over the last 7/8 years. Frankly, I was miserable around the time of my graduation from university ; the weather mirrored the mood sudden gloomy skies and warm rain on a midsummer day in what was otherwise the hottest British summer then . There were a tonne of problems (from 2 years prior ) and I couldn't wait to leave the country and the misery behind . Back in S'pore, expectations of life becoming better soon shattered and the true meaning of out of the wok and into the fire became apparent. What was once a hilarious line from a sci-fi resonated with bitter irony : Just when you think you've seen the worst , worse comes along (and smacks you in the face )

Fast forward to the present ; older but none the wiser , I've accomplished nothing been nothing except survived those dark times when sometimes self -destruction was not far from the mind with a jaded sense of cynicism and detachment. The last 10 years have been a dark comedy ; I'm smiling though not laughing which is a step up from bitter rage. The ironic symmetry? Can't wait to leave this country and where hope and blind optimism was is a sense of cautious optimism dreading what next ? Would have considered selling soul to the Devil for a better life but considering I've the propensity to regret decisions and having read Faustus, didn't seem a good idea. Anyway, was so crap that the Devil didn't approach me

Having said that, I'm grateful that amidst the loneliness of depression, friends have been there. Be they passing/occasional friends , old friends or even friends who piss you off. 2 in particular have been there through all the tough and bitter times and tolerated all those rambling rantings. Though we're not each other's best friend we've told each other things that few others know and cringeworthy is the least of the possible descriptions. That we're friends is nothing short of a miracle.

With S, it's a symmetry of opposites: dosser vs workaholic , slob vs perfectionist , easy listening pop/jazz/swing vs techno , temperamental vs calmly rational ; need more be said ? Weirdly enough, S was the first friend I met in university , he was also the last friend I saw before leaving for Heathrow.

With Jo, a symmetry of scary (for her) similarities; coursemates, similar interests, similar initials and similar fantasies of winning the lottery ! Yet it's the differences that maintain the friendship ; her patience , her easygoing attitude, her cheerfulness and different taste in men!

Though we're not always there for each other , thanks for being a beacon amidst the darkness. No amount of bitterness will bring back time nor would I wish to go back in time - the past is thankfully the past Perhaps it's a matter of learning what you want from life by seeing what you don't want in life Perhaps the temperance of the last decade brings a sense of cautious optimism that there'll be better times and friendships ahead